Unified Desktop


In 2018 TIAA’s Wealth Management leadership were seeing a > $1Billion shortfall against their organizations goals, Wealth Advisor attrition was at 3x it’s normal rate, and frustrated participants were complaining of a confusing and drawn out planning process.

My team and I volunteered to do a 6 week rapid discovery and prototyping effort to shape the path for a next generation advisor UX.

The executive leadership team and the advisors were so excited by our vision work they green-lit a multi year program to implement our digital vision for their planning process. The work began at the end of 2018 and within a year we had rebuilt and rolled out the way the wealth advisors prepared and recommended retirement plans to their clients for our key products.

We made a huge positive impact on all their critical pain points.

  • We helped close the sales shortfall by streamlining planning, allowing significantly more client meetings.

  • Far fewer recommendations were thrown away because the new digital process allowed more targeted and up to date proposals.

  • Attrition also dropped markedly over the following several years in part due to the effort saved day in day out for each client meeting.

  • Most importantly our participants felt better supported by their advisors through more suitable recommendations and drastically faster time to open and fund their accounts.


TIAA User Research